
AfH Level 1 Module 2 The Skin

AfH Level 1 Module 2 The Skin




The skin is a main target for essential oils and cosmetic companies due to its cytophylactic (cell rejuvenating) properties. In this module, we go beyond beauty, and look at how oils can help heal the skin and reduce acne, psoriasis, and eczema while bringing radiance to your skin!

This module covers:
The anatomy and physiology of the skin; this is important in order to understand the components of the skin, its importance, and what to expect when treating the skin.

The common ailments of this system; you will learn the causes of the symptoms, and about other systems involved.

The oils that might be helpful for the challenges of the skin.

Methods of application, so you can determine the best method of application and obtain the greatest benefits.

Games along the way, to help keep you engaged and to cement the information!

Once completed you’ll be able to help support and heal a variety of conditions that afflict the skin. This information is imperative if you have an interest in making skin care products, or if you suffer from chronic skin conditions! The cosmetic industry uses thousands of carcinogens in its products. It’s difficult to gain healthy skin if it’s perpetually being bombarded with toxic material. Once you learn how to use essential oils for the skin you can begin a journey to healthier more vibrant skin naturally! Let’s go!