Completed Module 7!
Dear {fname},
Let’s take a moment to acknowledge your accomplishment in finishing the female reproduction module! Unlike all the other systems, this module does not pertain to everyone. But please do not think that this system is not important for everyone to learn! Even if you’re not cycling or if you’re not female, I’m sure you know those who are, maybe a daughter, a friend, or maybe you’ll become a clinician, and then you’ll be working with all types of people. No matter what your situation, it’s important to understand this system.
The reproductive system is overly challenged. It doesn’t matter if you’re male or female, we’re all being challenged by the huge amounts of endocrine disruptors in our environment. There is an increase in breast cancer for both genders. Men should not be taking in all the extra estrogens in our environment, and I think we have only begun to see the problems that this is creating. Understanding how this system works will allow you to address imbalances which will continue to increase in our environment as time goes on.
If you have worked your way through this course in order, you only have one more module to complete and you’re done with the entire course! WOW! You’re so close, great work! If you’ve chosen to work through the modules in a different order, there is still plenty to learn, and if you’ve completed this module last, please be sure to read my final message and complete your quizzes so you can access your certificate! The more systems you learn about the more you’ll understand how interconnected they all are. You will begin to see the benefits and importance of a holistic approach, which will make you a better practitioner. Congratulations again on the completion of this module! Continue playing with your essential oils and learning about their amazing attributes!