Completed Module 6!
Dear {fname},
I’m reaching out to celebrate your completion of the circulatory system! Adding this information to your repertoire of knowledge will be a benefit to you and your family! If you’re working your way through this course in order, you are now 2/3 of the way through the course and on your way to completion! That deserves recognition and celebration!
This system is important for so many reasons. Your circulatory system is really a delivery system that provides the transportation of food and oxygen to every cell of the body. It also provides the detoxification of every cell! This is why whenever there is an area that needs healing the best thing you can do is to boost the circulation to that area, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s a broken bone or a skin outbreak, increasing the circulation will speed up the healing process.
This system is closely linked to many other systems, and could not perform its duties without the other systems creating the necessary product to transport. Your heart is also closely tied to your endocrine and nervous system which increases or decreases your heart rate depending upon the signals received by these other two systems. The circulatory system provides the opportunity to witness the interconnectedness of all the body systems and to understand the importance of a holistic approach to life and health.
If you’re working through this course in the order I’ve provided, you only have a couple of modules left! I hope you’ve been gaining the knowledge and confidence necessary to work with oils and to help others. I also hope you’ve been enjoying the information you’re gaining and that you’re looking forward to your next module. If you’ve chosen to study the circulatory system last, then you’ve completed the whole course! If this is the case please be sure to read my last message and finish all the quizzes so you can access your certificate! Don’t forget, you can go back and review any lessons necessary to make this information your own (I hope you do). Congratulations again on completing the circulatory system, you’re one step closer to understanding how essential oils can help to heal the whole body! Keep going, you’re doing great!