Completed Module 5!
Dear {fname},
Congratulations on your completion of the olfactory system! This system is one of the most fascinating! The mystery and power of this system make it one of the most intriguing to study. Even physicians who specialize in eyes, ears, nose, and throats don’t fully understand the importance and the components of this system. I had a dear friend who had surgery on her deviated septum. When she inquired if the surgery would affect her vomeronasal organs, the doctors doing the surgery were unfamiliar with these organs and could not answer her questions…. I find that disconcerting. This is a testament to the fact that we are not as clever as we believe, and that science has a long way to go regarding its knowledge of the senses. Never underestimate how brilliant the olfactory system is, it will surprise you every time.
We’ve only scratched the surface of this system. It is my hope that you will continue to research the olfactory system so you can keep up with all the new information that continues to be discovered. I also believe the more you understand about this system the deeper your understanding will become regarding the power smell has on us and its ability to heal. The beauty of this system is; even if you don’t understand any of it, it will still impact you and hold the same benefits for you as it would if you were a biochemist. I love that nature shares her brilliance with everyone, no matter what your education, age, or interest!
If you’re working your way through this course in order, you are officially more than half way through! If you’re not following the modules in order, I don’t blame you for wanting to study this system before some of the other systems in this course, it’s my favorite! If you’ve chosen to complete this module last CONGRATULATIONS! You are officially done! Please remember to read my last message and complete your quizzes so you can gain access to your certificate! No matter what order you choose to complete these modules, you should be delighted and proud, CONGRATULATIONS on the completion of the olfactory system! I hope you enjoyed this information and that you go on to study more! Essential oils have so many benefits to all the systems! Learning as much as we can about these healing allies will make us better healers and aromatherapists. Understanding all the different body systems will also educate ourselves to make better choices, and in turn bring more personal health, mentally, physically, and emotionally! Keep up the great work!