Completed Module 4!
Dear {fname},
I wanted to reach out and acknowledge your good work! Congratulations on your completion of Module 4! The urinary tract is more challenging to work with since we don’t ingest essential oils, but that doesn’t mean we can’t help this system when it’s ailing.
The simplicity of this system becomes complicated when we focus on the kidneys. They do more for us than we could ever imagine. The kidneys carry out so many functions that are necessary for our survival. They’re not just filters, they’re balancers, endocrine organs, and detoxifiers. Unlike some organs, the kidneys perform multiple functions that our bodies depend on so intensely that without kidney function we perish! It’s definitely a system to maintain!
As we get older our organs weaken, grow tired, and sometimes fail. I often see the symptom of tired kidneys amongst the elderly. They swell, have edemas, and sometimes their eyes water. Remember, the more complex an organ is, the more imbalance and health problems will ensue when they’re not functioning at their full capacity. With organs like the kidneys that perform so many functions, when something goes wrong, it can go terribly wrong! This is the classic case of an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So, support your kidneys with lots of good clean water, and try to reduce sugar and sodium since they’re both hard on the kidneys.
Good work on completing this module. I hope you have a new appreciation for your kidneys and all they do for you! You’re now ready to move on to another system (unless this is the last system you’re covering before finishing the course). If this completes the course for you please remember to read your final message from me and complete all the quizzes so you can access your certificate. I hope you’re enjoying the information and beginning to feel more confident with your knowledge and understanding of essential oils. This will continue to grow as you continue your journey, so keep up the great work, continue learning, and have fun! CONGRATULATIONS!