Completed Module 3!
Dear {fname},
I want to applaud you for the completion of the nervous system! This system is an important system for aromatherapists since aroma can strongly affect our stress levels and in turn, benefit our nervous systems (and every other system). Our nervous systems are old, older than language, as is our olfactory system. All the systems necessary for survival are ancient. I believe this is why aroma has such a profound effect on our nervous system. Because these systems are older than language, some of the information obtained from these systems do not have words to describe the responses we experience. When you begin learning about essential oils you’re tapping into a part of your brain (the limbic system) that is triggered by responses in our environment that we are not always consciously aware of, making this system a powerful tool to work with!
To deeply understand how essential oils make us feel, it’s important to spend time with our favorite oils and to try and find words that describe the emotions and responses they trigger. Even if you feel this reflection is unnecessary or unscientific, I suggest you do this level of work regardless. Even if the information you gain doesn’t have scientific backing, or make sense to anyone but you, it will deepen your connection to the oils. This level of work can shift your perceptions and provide an understanding that surpass words. Just because something cannot be put into words does not mean it is not language, and does not affect us deeply. These are the teachings that come directly from the plants/oils and are priceless!
If you’re working through the course in order you’ve now finished 1/3 of the entire course! Congratulations! If you’ve decided to tackle this course in a different order, there’s so much more to learn! If you decided to leave this module until the end, you’re completely done with the whole course and I applaud you for your persistence and hard work! Please remember if you’ve finished the course you need to read my last message and pass all quizzes to access your certificate! You’re doing a great job, and I hope you’re acknowledging all your hard work. Keep going, learn as much as you can! There is so much more that needs to be discovered about these amazing allies! and congratulations on completing the nervous system system!