Completed Module 1!
Dear {fname},
Congratulations on the completion of the respiratory tract! I hope you now have a deeper understanding of the relationship between essential oils and the respiratory system. Oils are by far the finest tools for combating any challenges of the respiratory tract! I would choose essential oils over any of the other alternative tools for respiratory ailments, they are second to none!
I’m also hoping you’re now able to view essential oils through the lens of their properties. Viewing oils more broadly can allow for easier referencing. By putting oils into categories resins, citrus, antivirals, etc. we instantly know the benefits of these allies. This allows us to make better-targeted blends. Knowing the benefits of certain groups of oils also makes it easier to retain information. If we know all resinous oils quell coughing, then when a cough of any type begins (colds, flues, dry coughs, tickles) we know which group of oils to turn to. It’s also helpful since not everyone has every oil. If you’re not limited to one oil (like frankincense), but instead a group of oils, like resins, you’re more likely to have a resin than a specific resin. I hope this makes sense and that it makes remembering the benefits of these allies easier.
I’m glad you now understand the differences between diffusers and what they can do. You can now be an educated shopper and not be fooled into believing all cool mist diffusers have the same capability for killing airborne microbial. These tools can be expensive, you should know what you’re buying and what to expect from your purchases.
I hope you’re enjoying the course and that it’s inspiring you to continue learning! If you’re working through this course in the order, you’ve got many more systems to learn about! How exciting! If you’re finishing off this course with the respiratory system, you are done! Huzzah! Please be sure to read my final message so you can access your certificate! Good luck with your studies, and have fun!