Completed all of Level 1!!
Dear {fname}
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! You’ve done it! You’ve completed the whole course! You should be proud of yourself. This is quite an accomplishment! I will be emailing you your certificate which you can print and display for everyone to see! This will allow everyone to know that you have been classically trained!
You now have all the information you need to work with essential oils, and to use these amazing tools to help enhance the life and health of those you love.
You’ve also gained an enormous amount of information necessary to make healthy choices for a lifestyle that will promote health, vitality, and longevity.
I’m hoping by now you realize that this course is so much more than an introduction on the use of essential oils. Together we traversed the body systems, dozens of ailments, and the many other topics that explain the importance of a wholistic approach to life and health.
Now that you have a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of all the body systems and the way they affect each other, I’m hoping you are better able to put the pieces of the puzzle we call health together. Without this ability to connect the systems it’s difficult to ever fully understand how one dis-ease can affect many systems. Without this knowledge and understanding it’s difficult to become an excellent clinician and aromatherapist. Now you have this knowledge! It is my great hope that you use your new-found knowledge to help as many as possible. There are so many who need help!
It’s also my hope that you go on to do more work with oils and continue to be a lifelong learner (it’s how we keep the brain from becoming flabby, it deters dementia). It’s always a delight to bump into students who studied with me decades ago that are still impassioned by their oils! And sad to think of students treating their oils like an old band instrument, tossed into the closet because their education is done. There is so much to learn, I hope you realize that your education is never done. Please continue to research on your own. Science is continuously learning more and more about essential oils, and in order to keep up with all this new and exciting information we need to keep learning.
I want to thank you for studying with me. I know there are many choices out there of courses you can take. I’m hoping the information you’ve gained is helpful and all you hoped for. Please remember, this course is accessible to you for a year from the day you began. Take advantage of that and go back and experience it again. I’m always amazed at how much I miss on the first time through something. You will continue to gain more knowledge and understand of the information on a deeper level the more you review. Even after 30+ years I’m gaining new insights into what I thought I fully understood. That’s the beauty of learning, it never ends!
I’m currently working on a second level to this course. It will contain all the hands-on information on how to blend, make natural cosmetics from scratch, and the creation of aphrodisiacs. This level will also contain the chemistry of essential oils, guidelines to a thorough consultation, and a demonstration of the distillation process. Of course, there will be more essential oil handouts along with fun recipes that will allow you to create your own product line.
Again, thank you for spending your precious time with me, and for sharing your passion of plants and oils with me. I hope to continue to teach live classes, so no matter where you are, I hope our paths meet at some point, it’s always a delight to meet students in person!
Take good care of you, and stay safe out there! The world is getting crazier and crazier. It’s so good that you now have tools that can keep you healthy and safe from worldwide pandemics, antibiotic resistant bacteria, and the common cold. Turn to your new allies whenever the need arises and you will not be disappointed. And never forget, the oils and plants will teach you more than anyone ever could! All the very best to you and yours, and CONGRATULATIONS!!