A letter from Linda
Dear {fname},
WELCOME! Congratulations on taking the first steps to becoming an accomplished aromatherapist and for having the wisdom to know the importance of an education!
There are companies that don’t place enough emphasis on the importance of safety when working with essential oils, and some are lacking in education. I applaud you for making a commitment to your passion for more knowledge, and for understanding its importance.
Once you study oils you’ll begin to gain the knowledge necessary to work with essential oils safely and effectively. You’ll be able to help with all types of ailments, and help protect those you love from annual flues, colds, and another pandemic if necessary. You’ll also have the knowledge to work with antibiotic resistant bacteria and help remediate the challenges that we face due to the overuse of antibiotics.
This course is broken down into 8 modules. Every module comes with the introduction which is FREE! It’s important that you begin with the introduction, it contains all the pertinent information necessary to work with oils safely. You will also learn about carrier oils in this module and all the details necessary to have a better understanding about absorption, measurements, and the shelf life of essential oils. So be sure to pay extra attention to the introduction module, it contains information that you will come back to over and over again. This information is pertinent to all the work you’ll do with essential oils, no matter what path you choose to follow in aromatherapy.
You can purchase the modules that interest you and they can be completed in any order. If it is your intention to take the whole course you will obtain a certificate of completion regardless of what order you complete the course. Each lesson provides exercises and quizzes that will help you to retain the information you’ve just learned. If you have questions along the way please email me at HerbsandAromatic@gmail.com. My goal is to provide the support you need in order for you to excel!
At the end of each lesson there will be a link at the bottom of the page for any questions you may have. Please follow this link to the Q & A page.
Once done with the introduction you will begin the body systems! This is where things get really interesting and you obtain the practical knowledge necessary to help yourself and others.
When you complete the entire course, pass all the quizzes, and read my final message you will obtain a certificate in acknowledgement for all your hard work and studies! You will continue to have access to the course, monographs, and scientific articles for a year from when you registered. So, go back and review often to boost the retainment of your new-found knowledge!
Additional Resources
This is where you’ll find monographs, articles, and recipes!
This course contains 50 monographs 2 pages each (100 pages on information just on the essential oils). To access the second page of each monograph, click the right side of the page, and to return back the first page click the left side of the page.
Due to all the new research becoming available on oils it’s impossible to keep up with all the new information. Although I have offered you solid information in the monographs, know that there is always more information to learn.
I was unable to provide the full scope of chemical constituents, and actions of these amazing oils due to lack of space, but I did provide an archive of scientific articles for you to peruse.
Scientific Articles
For those who desire to deepen their knowledge I have created an archive for each oil filled with links to scientific articles that give full details on studies, research, and conclusions. I hope these articles inspires you to do your own research and learn even more about these increasable allies!
I included some of my favorite recipes so you can enjoy them. I will continue to add to them when one springs to mind, so continue to check back into recipes for updates!
Thank you for choosing my course, I’m excited for the journey you’re about to begin! I hope you find the information compelling and the exercises helpful. Today you begin a journey that will change you forever! The plants and oils have a way of causing us to see things more clearly and to seek out our higher selves. It’s a beautiful journey of transformation and I’m delighted that you’re sharing it with me!
Congratulations on making an excellent choice! Let’s get started on your aromatherapy for health journey!
Bon voyage!
Linda Patterson