Completed Module 2!
Dear {fname},
Congratulations on the completion of the skin module! This is a great module for anyone trying to enhance the health of their skin, or those who wish to make the the best possible cosmetics!
When working with oils on the skin it becomes imperative to remember all the tips gained in the introduction. You have many choices of carriers that will allow you to extend your oils so you can use them directly on your (without burning). With the information on carriers in the introduction, you can create an even more targeted product that will have a greater impact. Don’t forget, a carrier doesn’t have to be another fat (carrier oil), sometimes the best carrier is a powder or bathwater. The choices are endless!
It’s also good to fully understand that the health of the skin isn’t usually created by something you put on. It’s obtained by what you put into your body (and what you leave out of your diet), the strength of your liver, and the mechanics of the pores. How can we help others with skin conditions if we don’t fully understand the importance of all the workings required to gain and maintain healthy skin? Understanding the dynamics of the skin will allow you to have greater success treating skin conditions as well as help you to troubleshoot if your blends are unsuccessful. Maybe it’s not about the skin at all…. Perhaps the skin problems you’re dealing with are more about food intolerances or an overextended liver. You now have all the knowledge you need to determine the cause and get to the heart of the problem!
You can now move on to another body system! If this is your last system CONGRATULATIONS! Please be sure to read my last message and complete the quizzes so you can access your certificate! I hope you’re enjoying your education, and that you’re looking forward to learning more! The oils can help bring balance to all the systems, all that’s needed is the necessary knowledge and you’ll be able to help every system of the body! Keep up the great work, and congratulations on your progress!